Coaching & Mentoring for Business Success Diploma Course

ThisĀ  Coaching & Mentoring Course takes business owners, and those in positions to affect change, through the fundamentals and practical applications of creating a coaching and mentoring training programme fit for their business.

As one of the most important resources of any business, it is staggering how little some companies do to nurture the talent that they already have at their disposal, which can lead to staff being poached or paying higher salaries for those who have learnt elsewhere.

Who Would Benefit from This Course?

The Coaching & Mentoring for Business Success Diploma Course is designed for business owners, CEOs and managers, those whose role it is train staff, and anyone else within a company who can see how the improvement of staff capability can drive a business forward

Module 1 - The Purpose of Coaching and Mentoring Within an Organisational Context

Module 2 - Alternative Strategies for Developing and Supporting Employees, Including Different Training Strategies

Module 3 - Operational Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Them

Module 4 - Different Perspectives on Mentoring and Coaching

Module 5 - Cultural Issues Working Within a Diverse Workforce

Module 6 - Transactional Analysis

Module 7 - Processes and Models for Effectively Coaching

Module 8 - The EMCC Code of Ethics

Module 9 - Determining and Agreeing Strategic Objectives Relating to Coaching and Mentoring

Module 10 - Measuring the Success of a Coaching and Mentoring Programme

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Enrolled: 55 students
Duration: 150 Hours
Level: Beginner


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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